Integrate yourself into a new team

Integrate yourself into a new team


YES! You did it. You landed that job!!! Now, you’re the newbie and no one is engaging with you…what can you do? I’ve seen this many times with my clients as well as in my own personal experience working for a new company. I created a LEAN model that I’ve used over and over again to help end those first day blues and help you integrate yourself effectively into a new team!


Image showing LEAN Model


Leverage existing knowledge by connecting with team members individually to find out their skills and what they are passionate about. Most people love to talk about themselves but as a new team member they may not feel comfortable sharing information. You can help facilitate this by observing individuals that hone into certain areas of work and connecting with them to understand more. Be sure to remain mindful of their time and show thanks for any knowledge shared.


Engage with your new team through informal chats to learn about them on a personal level e.g., family life, hobbies etc. to finds ways to connect. Create/suggest team happy hours or other fun team activities if none exist to get the team together informally. In the new virtual world, I have found scheduling 15–30-minute coffee chats to be effective but it’s important to maintain the informal concept by not setting agendas and letting the conversation flow. If you are like me and prefer some type of plan you can write out a few questions that you would like to ask but also ensure you are bringing content about yourself. For example, maybe I would like to know if this person has pets. I would either talk about my pet or pose a question around suggestions for pet adoption. You’ll know quickly if this person has any interest in pets.


It is generally okay to ask questions, but you demonstrate resourcefulness by trying to find the answers independently. It appears confident and shows proactivity when you can tell someone you did some research but still need assistance. I tend to avoid asking my boss questions if I can find a colleague to provide the answers. I have found that this creates a power position where you boss deems you as an independent person who gets things done! They generally should not have any idea how much churning you did to achieve the goal. The least they know, the more respect you create with them.


Notice and appreciate your new colleagues. It creates positivity when you send an email to your boss or even directly to your colleague to commend their help/support in assisting you. People tend to support positive team members who demonstrate consideration to the team versus a focus on “self”.  That old saying- “there’s no I in TEAM” is a true perspective. One you should foster wherever you go regardless of your role.

Wrap Up!

As a Career Coach, I can help you navigate your specific situation and provide additional support while you integrate during your first few weeks. My last tidbit is on change. In the beginning, it’s always better to ask why something is done a certain way than to go in blind and try to change it. You will be much more supported and create better engagement by asking and doing your due diligence on areas you’d like to change. And that’s it, I hope this was helpful! There are tons of great resources out there as well that can assist you on being a great team member. I’d like to leave you with a few of my favorites:


Happy to hear what’s working for you and what tips and tricks you’ve found helpful when integrating into a new team.

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About the Author

Dr. Gurley is a Career and Life Coach at ISO Life Coaching Services. She has spent over 2 decades in the IT industry and has received and been nominated for many leadership awards. Her genuine nature with her clients along with her call-to-action focus continues to help many clients obtain the clarity they need to create successful opportunities in their lives.

Check out Dr. Gurley’s latest book on Amazon!

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